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Maroon Research Institute

Advancing proactive, preventative health measures addressing
chronic Population Health conditions and related Climate Impact on Human Health
MRI Climate CEO
before 31 December
Catalytic climate fellowship

Maroon Research Institute

"It always seems impossible until it's done" ~ Nelson Mandela

The Institute is a non-profit corporation committed to accelerating critical research, successful venture innovation to commercialisation lifecycle, and global partnerships to solve material innovation gaps in preventative healthcare for chronic Population Health conditions and Climate Impact on Health.

MRI logo

Our Health is our true Wealth
~ Institute advances innovation addressing chronic Population Health conditions with a priority on autoimmune diseases (including diabetes), blood and cardiovascular health (including heart disease), certain cancers (prostate, cervical, ovarian), inflammation, food and environmental allergies; as well as, neurological, mental and brain health.

Institute also promotes positive environmental and Climate Impact on Human Health through innovation in the Built Environment (materials innovation, carbon reduction), Blue Economy (marine biotech for Human Health, seaweed value chain, coastal & ocean regeneration), and leveraging Artificial Intelligence to accelerate and amplify innovation impact.

Institute was incorporated in Texas, USA in March 2024, and benefits from 501c3 status through administrator.
Research & Innovation addressing chronic Health & Climate conditions

Research & Innovation addressing chronic Health & Climate conditions

Global Partnerships

Global Partnerships

Economic Empowerment

Economic Empowerment